Friday, December 2, 2011

The Nativity Play!

Christmas Eve
is my FAVORITE part of Christmas!
I get so ExCiTeD I can hardly stand it.
I love Traditions and Christmas Eve seems to
have some of the best ones.
Our Christmas Eve Traditions consist of:
Games and Prizes
Amazing Food
A Visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus
The Christmas Eve P.J. Parade
and then the
The Nativity Play
followed by our
Secret Santa Delivery
and an
All Night Hallmark Movie Marathon
Slumber Party with the boys!
I created a new Nativity Set for this one,
and I have to say, IT'S MY FAVORITE!
So here it is, page by page:

Here's the PDF:
We have the kids in the family dress up
and read their parts.
For FHE I made a second set.
This one is one that can be held with little hands
and moved around.

Here they are...
The pieces can be Mod Podged to wood or chipboard.
This would be a fun gift for Visiting Teaching and
Home Teaching.
You could cut and laminate the pieces.  Attach a magnent
on the back and use it with a magnetic board, you could
print on magnetic paper. You could
attach them to tongue depressors, or
you could just give them a copy of the story.
Lots of possibilities!
The planner is coming...I PROMISE!
I just had to find a missing piece,
and today I did!
We had a lot of clean up after the serious wind storm
we had here in Farmington...but we are all still
standing and the power is back on so we
can go back to work!


Cook Family said...

The starry night pic and the palm tree pic are missing from teh download file. Were you planning to use those? If not, no worries.

Hartley2 said...

Wow!! and thank you so much. I have been looking for something like this to print on magnetic sheets for my grandchildren to use. This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Prepared Not Scared said...

Thank You for letting me know, I'll get right on that!

Cody and Nicole said...

I just have to say that I absolutely love all of your stuff!! I think we'll be using quite a few items for our family Christmas party this year. I just realized that you live in Farmington! I'm from Farmington and my parents still live there. I hope you didn't have a lot of damage from that horrible storm. Thanks again for all the you do, you are truly gifted!

sue said...

Thank you so much for sharing these.

Amy said...

Two of my FAVORITE things come together--your talent & nativity scenes!! Love it so much, just beautiful! Thank you again and again for sharing your talent with all of us!!!! Merry Christmas!!

Sassy Girl Studio said...

Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm pinning it right now.

Angie @ said...

Oh thank you so much this is wonderful.

Cher said...

This is amazing....thanks so MUCH for sharing!

Cher @

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Laurie said...

Thank you! These are amazing!

Tania said...

Thank You!! I had it printed at Costco as a jpg, then took it to Staples to be laminated. Magnets on the back, and now my kids can play with it on the fridge. I'm giving my youngest a cookie sheet to use it on as a quiet activity during church, while my oldest is at Sunday School during Advent. They love it!

Mama Mandy said...

Thanks for sharing! Cute!

Anonymous said...

Thank you and Bless you from a pair of exhausted and tired Sunday School teachers! We are going to print these onto sticker paper and make Christmas Baubles for our 'Navititree' for our Church Christmas Tree Festival Manda and Kathy XXX

Unknown said...

Thank you for this!! It is so cute and I love all the characters you have included!!

Faith said...

Wonderful, thanks for sharing and your hard work! Can't wait to have our play!!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful.
Because of my filter I cannot get the downloads from the link. Is there anyway you can send them to me by e-mail? I'd love to have the play and all the figures and backdrops. Is this possible?
Thanks so much -they are just what I've been looking for.

Prepared Not Scared said...

Send me your email and I'll send you the PDF.

Katerina said...

What a wonderful gift...Thank you so much! Would it be possible to send the pdf? The children at school will adore these do I!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you sharing, we have laminated ours and created magnets for the fridge. Which my 4 year old daughter loved and all her little friends who visited over the Christmas period! Thank you again from Babs in UK:-)

Nancy said...

Wonderful idea - thank you for sharing!

KG said...

Thank you! I just love this and plan on laminating and attaching magnets, then giving it to my nieces and nephews as a little Christmas gift.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for such an unselfish gift!

We will love using the Nativity Play!

Unknown said...

I love this idea, as well, but will need the pdf file sent to me. I have not been able to download what you've provided at the site. Also, do you have the figures of Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem available, as well as the palm trees? They are pictured, but now shown in the file. Thanks so much for making this available! It is perfect for my grandchildren...

Unknown said...

great, thanks

~Michelle said...

This is wonderful. I am printing a set to put on my freezer. It is below the fridge and a perfect place for my grand daughter to play!

Suky said...

This is just what I was looking for to use this Christmas. Thanks for your generosity!

Alicia said...

These are SO cute!! Thank you so much! I cant wait to make them for my toddler!

Jane said...

These are great, thank you for sharing with us x

Susan S said...

These are great and perfect for my younger grandchildren.

Mim said...

Thank you SO much! May God bless you for sharing so generously of your time and talents! These are going to be very useful in my children's ministry sessions! :)

Kitka said...

Thank you so much. I used these to make a block nativity set for little hands. I cut the blocks and then spray painted them dark blue. I then modge-podged each cut out figure onto a block. I then sealed them. We have loved them and get many compliments on them. Thank you for sharing your talent.