Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pandemic Kits

With the upcoming flu season just around the corner, we thought you might like a list of things to have on hand in case of a 10 day quarentine. We will have a sample pandemic kit for you to see on Sunday between the Primary and Relief Society rooms with copies of the list for you to take home. Let us know if you have any questions, or are interested in a group order for the pandemic kits. (Price will depend on the quantity we order.)
  • Supplies to have on hand:
    N95 medical masks - at least 3 per person. "95" means that they keep out 95% of the airborne particles. Contact a local medical supply store, or order online. Cheaper if ordered in bulk, but even Walgreens carries them. These will disappear quickly from the shelves in a pandemic.
    Liquid hand soap
    Hand sanitizer (one for every family member)
    Household bleach
    Lysol® or Clorox® disenfectant
    Disinfectant wipes (plenty)
    Trash bags (plenty as there may be limited trash pickup)
    Laundry detergent (if someone in your family is ill, you will be doing plenty of washing)
    Kleenex tissues (not fabric handkercheifs)
    Toilet paper
    Paper towels - Use instead of hand towels.
    Disposable diapers for infants
    Disposable vinyl, nitrile, or latex gloves or other reusable gloves that can be disinfected
    A supply of your prescription medications (in case you are too sick to go to the store), nonprescription drugs, and other health supplies, including pain relievers, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, vitamins, rubbing alcohol, and thermometers.
    Have a 2-week to 3-month supply of food at home (outside food may be difficult to obtain or you may not be able to get to the store if you are ill).
    Food for the flu such as chicken noodle soup, Sprite, 7-up, or ginger ale, saltine crackers, white rice, broth, Pedialyte for children or Gatorade, jello, etc.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Thank you so much for doing this site. I love it! I wish there was a list of items I need in my Emergency Backpacks for each family member. This is so wonderful thank you!
