Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Planting Guide!

Even with this CrAzY weather we're having,
it's time to go to work in the Garden!
This is what the SEED Planting Chart says
we can plant in April.
Plants still need to be protected from the weather.
You can use milk jugs or 2 liter pop containers
with the bottoms cut off.  
Place containers over the plant(s) with the pour side up.
The garden centers sell disposable plant covers as well.
Either option will help to protect the plants until
the weather gets better.
Here's what you can plant now:
Bush Beans
50-70 Days to Harvest
Pole Beans
70-90 Days to Harvest
Brussels Sprouts
90-120 Days to Harvest
Early Cabbage
90-110 Days to Harvest
65-90 Days to Harvest
120-150 Days to Harvest
125-150 Days to Harvest
60-100 Days to Harvest
Egg Plant
80-100 Days to Harvest
55-60 Days to Harvest
90-150 Days to Harvest
50-70 Days to Harvest
Onion Seeds
90-120 Days to Harvest
95-110 Days to Harvest
Bush Squash
55-70 Days to Harvest
Make sure to use a Wall-of-Water until the
weather gets warmer.
(Use actual tomato plants here instead of seeds.)
70-100 Days to Harvest
The weather is supposed to be nicer by the weekend.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. Would it be best to start these indoors in pots and then transfer? I don't really have any garden space. Could I keep some of these in pots (Tomatoes, Beans, Eggplant) and put them outside when the weather starts to warm up some more.

  2. The plants shown are the ones that can actually be set into the garden right now.
    If you would like to use pots for your tomato plants or eggplants, it would be best to plant them as a plant instead of seed, and keep them inside for a little while. After a few weeks, you will want to take them outside for the daytime and bring them in at night to harden them off.
    Hope that helps!

  3. Thank you! That is VERY helpful.
