Monday, April 26, 2010

Family History Family Home Evening - It's Time to "PAWS" and "BEAR" Your Testimony!

It's a Family History Family Home Evening Tonight
and the topic is Testimony!
This is a great one to include Grandma and Grandpa in.
It doesn't matter if they live in another state or right next door,
they can be a part of this Family Home Evening.
Start with an Opening Prayer and Scripture.
"For thus shall my church be called in the last days,
even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Verily I say unto you all:  Arise and shine forth, that thy light may
be a standard for the nations."
(Doctrine and Covenants 115:4-5)
"I Know That My Redeemer Lives"
Hymn #136
Dad and Mom can start by bearing their testimonies.
Explain what a testimony is and why it's important to share
our testimonies with others.
Explain that testimonies come a little at a time.
Line upon line, precept upon precept,
here a little, there a little . . .
Each time we bear our testimonies, we strengthen them.
We may have had an experience that came from an answer to prayer,
which strengthens our testimony as to the power of it.
We may have had experiences that came from paying tithing,
strenthening our testimonies as to why we pay it.
Testimonies are alot like Quilts.
They are added to piece by piece.
Line upon line, or stitch by stitch they become stronger.
Each piece adds beauty and warmth to the quilt,
just as a strong testimony adds warmth and beauty
to our spirits.
One of the greatest things we can share with another person is
our testimony of Jesus Christ.
Have each member of your family take a few minutes to
write their testimonies on the cards below.  These cards can be
added to your Family History Scrapbook.
 Don't Forget to add the testimonies of
Grandparents and Great Grandparents to
your family history book. 
Can you imagine what a TREASURE they will be
not only for your family, but for generations to come!
Here's the PDF for the Testimony Card and Page:
Testimony Card:
Testimony Page:
Bearing your testimony in front of other people
can be a little scary sometimes.
This game should help with that.
It's the . . .
Take the time to
"PAWS" and "BEAR"
your Testimony
The Bear Side is above and
the Topic Side is below.
Here's the PDF:
Please make sure you use the game for YOUR Family
and not as a product you are selling or posting on your blog.
Bless YOUR Hearts for being so sweet and referring
them back to the Prepared Not Scared Blog.
The artwork is original and just for YOU!
To Make the Game You Will Need To:
Print the PDF on regular paper.
Purchase Black or Brown Cardstock
Cut cardstock into 3"x 3" Cards.
Cut out each Testimony Card.
(There is a front and a back side.)
Attach the Bear on one side,
and the Topic on the other side.
Laminate the cards.
Find a bag to keep them in.
(I found mine at Hobby Lobby for $1.00)
That's it . . .you're ready to play.
To Play the Game:
Each person will take turns drawing a topic
from the bag.
They get to stand in front of the family and
talk about their topic and what it means to them.
Take as many turns as you would like.
This game is a great way to practice standing
in front of people and speaking.
Maybe after a little practice it won't be so scary standing in front
of the congregation . . . ?!?
(I'm still a little bit up in the air on that one, but I'm hoping!)
Banana Bread!
Here's the Recipe PDF:
Ok . . . so I posted Milk Dud Cookies Twice.
It was really supposed to be Banana Bread!
What a Morning!


  1. You are just one smart cookie. I learn so much from you. I don't know how you do it all! You are amazing. Thanks for always inspiring me :). I found your blog a few weeks ago, and now I am an addict.

  2. You just made my day!
    Shawnalee . . . YOU ROCK!
    Have a Great Day,

  3. I really enjoy your blog Trisha! You are doing a great work. I too am amazed at all you are doing* Thanks for the fun FHE ideas! I am a week behind and will do this one next week.

  4. I LOVE THIS BLOG! I tell everyone i know about how great the posts are! The 1st thing I do each day is check this blog and read what is new! My only wish (well there are 2 wishes) one I was in your ward or that my ward was even insterested in this stuff! and 2nd that I could get in on your food storage orders in your ward! Thanks again for another great post!

  5. I love the testimony game! So much! This blog is an answer to prayer for me- thanks for that.

  6. I wish you were all in my ward! That would be sooo fun! You're comments are so sweet and I appreciate them very much!

  7. Thank you so much for your FHE lessons. I really wanted a "testimony" lesson tonight, and couldn't find a really cute one anywhere. Then I thought to search you blog and found this one. It's EXACTLY what I was looking for. Thank you, thank you!
