Saturday, April 17, 2010

A House of Order and FUN: Saturday Check-List!

You might have noticed a New Topic.
A House of Order  . . . and FUN!
I'm still not sure what day I will post on,
but . . .
I thought it would be FUN to include some ideas for
Home and Family.
Today's Post Is A:
Saturday Check-List
I Love the Song:
Saturday is a Special Day . . . It's the Day
WE get ready for Sunday . . . !
Notice the WE?
Growing up, my mom always made sure we had
our clothes ready, our hair rolled into spongy pink rollers,
the Sunday Bag loaded, and the grocery shopping done.
Just like the song . . .
 Everyone was expected to pitch-in
and do their part to make sure
the house was clean so that we could all enjoy the Sabbath.
I admit it . . . Saturday Jobs weren't my favorite,
but now that I have a family of my own, I can see the widom!
Make sure you feed everyone first . . . they will be much
more willing the work and so much more productive.
(We usually have a big breakfast on Saturday mornings.)
We try to do something FUN as a family after the work is done.
It gives the boys that little extra incentive
they need to finish the hard jobs.
We use a Check-List to make sure we
don't forget anything!
This is Our Family Saturday Check-List:
I included an example of mine as well as a
blank one for you to try.
You may want to laminate your Saturday Check-list,
so that you can re-use it each week. Use a wet-erase marker
to list assignments and to sign off completed items.
Remember to Praise good efforts
and to SMILE while you work!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I've been thinking that I need to get something like this put together...thanks!
