Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Preparedness Project - Portable Toilets . . . Yippee!

Ahhh . . . The Portable Toilet!
I can't tell you how many times I have put this
"Big Fella" off.
Not because a New UN-USED Portable Toilet is grose
by any means . . . some of the information I get to share
with you however, is NOT for the Faint-of-Heart!
Sooooo, Here We Go . . .
First we'll start with the picture:
This one is for the boys!
This one is for ME!
(I'm the only girl in my family, and I believe I'd like my own . . . just for safety!)
Here they are . . . All put together!
Super Cute Huh?!?
(I added the flowers for that little special touch!)
Here's the Toilet Label and Instructions for Use PDF:
You Will Need:
5-6 Gallon Bucket
Luggable Lu Toilet Cover
(Snap-on type toilet seat with lid.)
12 Plastic Liners
(Garbage Bags)
4 Pairs of Rubber Gloves
2 Rolls of Toilet Paper
Liquid Chlorine bleach, Nilogel Clean-Up Gel,
Pinesol, Powdered Laundry Soap,
Powdered Chlorinated Lime
(Available at the building supply stores. It can be used dry.
Be sure to get chlorinated lime and not quick lime which is
highly alkaline and corrosive.)
1 Bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1 Box of Baking Soda
1/2 Gallon of White Vinegar
1 Large Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
1 Roll Paper Towels
1 Pkg. Baby Wipes
1 2-Liter Bottle of Water
6-10 Gallon Container with tight fitting lid
A Supply of Old Newspapers for Wrapping Garbage
2-3 Spray Bottles
Feminine Hygiene Items
Now for the Good Stuff:
Are you wondering what this is?
It's a Portable Jane!
It works as a "Seperation Device."
To seperate what you might ask . . . ?
Well, you don't want to mix #1 with #2 when you are using
the toilets.  Yep, you have to keep the two seperate!
(Notice the color-coded numbers?)
Mixing the two with no water could be toxic.
Here's the link if you are interested in purchasing your own:
(That's one reason I decided a "Hers" Toilet might
be a good idea!  The boys don't really need a seperate
seperation device . . . they're already equipted!)
Please Make Sure YOU Read the Entire Instruction Sheet.
It has soooo much important information on it!
(Thanks for the help Sherrie!)
This little project would be high on my "To Do List."
It's definately something I don't want to be without!
Happy Flushing!


  1. Tricia...just found your web site and I absoultly LOVE IT!!!! Thank you for all your hard work and willingness to share. I'm making preparedness notebooks for my kids and appriciate your handouts sooooo much!!!!!

  2. I added a link at the bottom of the post. I will hook you up with the Portable Jane!

  3. I don't want to offend you, but I don't know much about LDS. Can you tell me what emergency you are preparing for? My sister and I have been trying to figure it all out and just can't. We don't know anyone to ask.

  4. Thank you so much for asking . . . and by the way - that's a great question! An emergency can be anything from losing a job, not being able to work because of health reasons, or emergencies caused as a result of natural disaster. We have been asked by the Red Cross to have 72 Hour Kits on hand as well as an emergency plan for our families. As far as being a member of the LDS Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), we have been given counsel from our Prophet to be prepared so that we can take care of our families in ANY Emergency Situation! That's reason for the name of this blog . . .
    Prepared - NOT - Scared!
    I hope that answers your question!
    Thank You Again for Asking!

  5. Trishy...I have taken the emergency preparedness quiz and as always I passed it 100% I can't wait for a great treat! You are the best ever!!! Thank you, Thank you!
