Friday, April 23, 2010

Preserve It . . . Canning Corner - Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing Recipe!

I had on the calendar to make Hot Fudge Sauce today,
but Strawberries are such a great price right now I thought
you might like this recipe instead.
Bottled Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing
Here's the Recipe PDF:
Can you imagine having this homemade dressing on hand?
The recipe PDF Includes:
 Two Dressing Recipes and a Salad Recipe
Soooo Good!


  1. Tricia, where do you get all your canning recipes? Is there a book or other resource that I could use too? I am so impressed and the different things you can! Thanks for all your good info

  2. While I was looking for recipes for the strawberries I got for free, I stumpled on your blog. It is Truly AMAZING!I have been reading and reading, and printed lots of stuff.
    I will be reading even more. thank you for all your time and effort you put into the blog!
    Is it possible your link to the recipe is not working?
    Xant, the Netherlands

  3. This is from the Ball Book of Canning
