Monday, June 7, 2010

Family Home Evening - Primary Theme and Scripture: The Power of the Holy Ghost!

The Theme for June Is:
Opening Prayer:
Opening Song:
"Let the Holy Spirit Guide"  Hymn #143
Moroni 10:5
I included the June Scripture Cards with the PDF.
Listen to and heed promptings from the Holy Ghost! 
If we are open to those spiritual impressions,
the Lord will guide our lives.
We can trust Him.  He will open the right doors, at the
right time, and in the right sequence.
To help family members understand the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Object Lesson:
Display a radio.  Make sure it is not tuned in to a station. 
Turn the radio on, and let the group hear the static for a moment. 
Ask them what they would do if they were trying to get
important information.
(Tune in to a nearby station.)  Begin to tune the radio. 
Note that as you get closer to the station you get some information,
but it's in bits  and pieces and a little fuzzy. 
Completely tune the radio in. 
Point out how strong and clear it is.
Liken this to tuning in to the Spirit. 
If we draw close to our power
source, our Heavenly Father, and tune ourselves in spiritually,
we can receive the clear influence of the Holy Ghost.
(Included in the PDF)
Explain that there are several things we can do that will help us
"Tune In" to the Holy Ghost.  This game will help the children
find out what those things are. 
Print the PDF pictures of a star, a hand, a sun, and a house. 
(The wordstrips are included in the PDF.) 
Cut out the following wordstrips
and place them under the pictures:
Invite family members to come up and cross out the letters that
spell what the picture is.  The letters that are left will tell
them what they must do or use to have the influence of the
Holy Ghost.
Place the wordstrips face down.  Take turns picking up a wordstrip.
Have the person decide how it can help them draw closer to the
Holy Ghost, and share their thoughts with the family.
Another Thing to Think About . . .
Compare the Holy Ghost to the Liahona. 
Talk about how they work.
(Each work through OBEDIENCE)
Bear your testimony of how the Holy Ghost has helped and
guided you in your own life.
Closing Prayer!
Here's the Family Home Evening PDF:
Now would be the perfect time to record these experiences
in your Family Home Evening Journal.
Give each person in your family a copy of the cards
included in the PDF to record their own experiences of how
listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost has helped them.
Add the completed pages to your journal.
For Family Home Evening we ALWAYS
end with a game of
Red Light Green Light.
Which doesn't really have anything to do with the lesson
UNLESS . . .
You play using only whispers so they really have to listen,
Reminding them again, that to hear the promptings of the
Holy Ghost, you really have to be "Tuned In."
Time for Treats:
Fruit Salsa with
Cinnamon Sugar Chips!
Here's the Recipe:
Fruit Salsa
2 Granny Smith Apples
1 Bartlett Pear
1 cup Strawberries
1 Mango
2 Tbsp. Fresh Lemon Juice
1 Tbsp. Brown Sugar, Packed
Cinnamon Chips
6 Large Flour Tortillas
4 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
To Make Salsa:
Peel, core, and chop apples. 
Wash and chop pear, strawberries, and mango.
Place fruit in medium bowl and stir in lemon juice and brown sugar to coat.
Chill in refrigerator.
You can mix and match any of your favorite fruits to make this salsa.
To Make Cinnamon Chips:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Combine cinnamon and sugar in small bowl.
Using a water spray bottle, lightly spray tortillas
and sprinkle with the cinnamon-sugar mixture.
Using a pizza cutter, cut each tortilla into 8 wedges.
Place tortilla wedges on baking sheet and bake for
10-12 minutes or until crispy.
Remove from oven and cool.
Serves 6.
Here's the Recipe PDF:


  1. I've been out of town and now that I'm back, I'm having so much fun catching up on all your posts. One of my goals this week is to make the princess chore "chart". I was thinking when you made the frog one there was a list of chores already prepared... but don't seem to see it now. Is that available still? If not, no worries, but I wanted to check. Thanks again for all these fabulous ideas and wonderful projects! You are great!

  2. I have been reading your blog daily and enjoying every minute of it! I have told soooo many of my friends and family about it. I am really loving the recipe mixes, in a jar! I have made almost all of them. I would love to see more meals in a jar type recipes , are you planning on adding more of these type of
    mixes? Thanks so very much for all of your hard work, wonderful mixes, and fun ideas!
    Keep up the great work!

  3. I too love your blog. It is full of fabulous amazing information!

    I LOVE this lesson. We are using it tonight for FHE and it will be perfect for my girls. Thanks for sharing all your ideas with us!
