Thursday, June 24, 2010

A House of Order . . . The Greatest Thing Ever Invented!

I have to say, this is one of my
Organizing Solutions.
In fact, it brought a tear to my eyeball when I saw
it work for the first time.
It's Called . . . The Sock Clip!

Actually it's just a clothespin,
but what it can do to a pair of socks is
I used to dread the sock part of the laundry.
The boys hampers always came to me filled with socks that were
turned inside out,
wadded up in a ball,
and filled with some kind of terrarium start . . .
A little dirt, some grass, a little moisture,  and whatever else
they collected on the bottom of their socks.
(Which always ended up on my laundry room floor.)
Oh, the JOYS!
Well, NO MORE . . . If socks are going to be washed
in my house, they have to be turned and clipped.
No Clip . . . No Clean Socks!
I purchased my clothespins at Walmart.
They also have them at Target.
The Sock Clips can go
from the Washer to the Dryer.
No More Lost Socks
and . . .
They will always come out in two's!
I've seen a lot of Snowflake Sock Baskets.
No two socks are alike . . .
but the minute we decide to get
rid of them, the other sock will mysterously turn up!
Problem Solved!
Unfortunately, you can't use just any old clothespin.
The clothespins at Walmart or Target
don't have any metal on them
and they have rounded edges.
I've tried other clothespins, but they melt and if they
don't have rounded corners they can get stuck in the
little drain holes in the washer.
I use these clips for my husband's socks . . . I'll show
you what I mean when I cover the closet organizing section.
I can't wait for that!


  1. what a great idea! I do have a "swnowflake basket" and it drives me mad! I'm headed to Walmart today. Thank you.
    So you have each family member turn and clip their own socks before laundry? Are your kids good at that because mine just toss their socks wherever they are standing or sitting in the house.

  2. OK, so I have to admit it took a couple of times with me doing their laundry for them to realize they weren't getting any socks back.
    (I just kept them in a bag where they couldn't find them.) I reminded them that the only socks they would get back . . . were the clipped socks. You may want to use a permanent sharpie in their color and put a small dot on the toe of each of their socks. That way you can tell who the droppers are!
    I'm going to be working a lot on laundry organization the next couple of weeks. It's usually one of the biggest trouble spots, so I thought I'd start with the big ones first!

  3. I grew up with something like this. It's awesome. Thanks for the reminder. I will be going to Wal-Mart today to pick me up some clips!

  4. Where at Walmart do you find them?

  5. The Laundry Section in Walmart and by the hangers in Target.
    (I think I bought the last 2 packages from the Centerville Walmart . . . Sorry, I wanted to take a picture so you would know what to look for.)
    I'll add the bar code so they can re-order if they haven't already.
    Hope that helps!

  6. I LOVE it!!! I have so many of these lying around. My girls used to have lots of skirts and now they have decided they like dresses so... the clips came off the hangers. I couldn't get rid of them but didn't know what to do with them, now I know :) Thanks so much!!!! I can't wait to see the other laundry ideas you have up your sleeve.

  7. I looked and looked all over my walmart and couldn't find them :( I'll try Target tomorrow.

  8. Try Target or the Layton Walmart in the laundry section . . . that is if you live close by.
    Good Luck!
    (I'm checking to see if they will order some more in.)

  9. I live in Memphis, TN. I'll try Target and then I'll have to venture to a few other walmarts in the area if they don't have them. Thank you.

  10. I love this idea! I'm in Arizona and have looked at every store I can think of, do they not make or carry these anymore or just not in Arizona? I couldn't even find ones like these online anywhere??? I LOVE you blog!!! I have 5 girls and just finished making them their "getting ready" boxes which they love and also picked up some clear shoeboxes that I've numbered 1-5 so on Saturday when they do their other chores they'll also pickout their outfits for the coming week socks and all - this is going to save our mornings! THANKS

  11. Allison,
    If you would like me to pick some up for you, give me a call. I have been trying to buy a few extra packages of the clips every time I go to Walmart.
    Keep up the good work!
