Monday, June 14, 2010

Safety & Preparedness Family Home Evening - Be Prepared!

That's the topic for tonight's
Family Home Evening Lesson.
Opening Prayer:
Song: “Be Prepared”
Text included at the bottom of the page –
Sing to the tune of Yankee Doodle . . .
This is one of those songs you can’t get out of your head,
but it’s MaRvElOuS so that’s OK!
Scripture: “Be prepared in all things.” D&C 29:8
Purpose: To be prepared for emergencies BEFORE they happen!
Lesson Prep: Get a large piece of red paper
and a large piece of blue paper.
On the red paper write EMERGENCY.
On the blue paper write NON-EMERGENCY.
Set the papers on the floor or on a table.
Fill a basket with items to represent emergency
and non-emergency situations.
I have included pictures and a list of items
you may want to include in the PDF.
Lesson: Explain what an emergency is.
A general rule to follow is that:
An emergency involves danger to your life or your property.
Activity: Take turns drawing an item from the basket,
discussing what the situation is,
and deciding whether it’s an emergency (is there danger?)
or non-emergency.
If it’s an Emergency, set the item on the Red Paper.
If it’s Not An Emergency, set it on the Blue Paper.
Basket Items:
Large Bandage: Deep cut, heavy bleeding.
Know how to care for bleeding wound.
Spider (fake of course!): Bit by a spider on the hand.
Know how to care for an insect bite.
Matches: Pile of leaves on fire in the backyard.
Know how to put a fire out.
Broken Toy: Favorite toy has a broken part.
Have different glues for repair.
Twig: Lost in the woods while on a picnic.
Know outdoor safety rules.
Dollar Bill: Store clerk didn’t give correct change back.
Check money before leaving the store.
Stuffed Animal: Family pet hit by car.
Know animal hospital phone #.
Bleach Bottle: Someone drinks from bleach bottle.
Know Poison Control phone #.
Baseball Cap: Can’t find baseball cap before the game.
Keep cap in a specific place after games.
Sunday Shirt: A button is missing and it’s time to leave for church.
Check clothes before Sunday morning.
Electric Cord: Frayed cord plugged in.
Have a home fire safety check.
School Book: Homework assignment not finished.
Parents check homework each day by a certain time.
Did you know that the word “PREPARE” means
“To Make Ready Before Hand”?
Knowing what to expect ahead of time
and practicing what to do before it happens.
Review the emergency items sitting on the red paper.
How can your FaMiLy be prepared for these emergencies?
What is the difference between losing your baseball cap
and getting lost in the woods?
Which one involves danger?
Which one is an emergency?
How would you feel if you were lost?
Remember the promise in the scriptures:
“If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”
D&C 38:30
Closing Prayer:
Treats: S'more Cookies!
Seriously . . . Sooo Good!
Here's the Lesson PDF:
Here's the Picture Pages PDF:
Here's the Recipe PDF:
Don't Forget to add a few notes to your
Family Home Evening Journal!


  1. This is so Cool. Looking forward to teaching my Family this. I was just wodnering in you were going to post a PDF of the Recipes for the mixes? I saw the jar tops but ddin't see the recipes. I love you site and look at it daily and working on many of your ideas. Thanks for all you do.

  2. I will be adding the recipe and instructions for the mixes tonight and tomorrow.
    Have a great Family Night!

  3. thank you! we did last weeks and the kids really liked it! It's the first time we've had FHE in almost 2 years, so thank you again for the lessons!!!!!

  4. Cari,
    "Way to Go!"
    There are a lot of promised blessings that come from having Family Home Evening, blessings I have been very grateful for in my own home.
    Keep up the Good Work Cari, that's AWESOME!

  5. another successful FHE, thank you. now we need to set up our emergengy plans :)

  6. I really love you for the time you take to share these ideas. I am feeling more and more prepared. I recomment people follow you all the time. YOUR THE BEST!

  7. Finally made the smore cookies and
    they're a hit with our family.
    Thanks so much for sharing this recipe.
    from California

  8. The PDF links are now broken
