Saturday, September 25, 2010

Food Storage Meals and Menu Planning - Follow Up Recipe!

Here's the Follow-Up Recipe to the use with the
Roll Mix!
1 3/4 cups Steaming Hot Tap Water
(120-130 degrees)
1/2 cup Oil
2 Tbsp. Dried Whole Egg, Sifted
1 Tbsp. Instant Yeast
4 1/2 -6 cups Roll Mix
Pour hot tap water into large bowl.
Whisk in oil and egg.
Stir in 2 cups Roll Mix.
Stir in 1 more cup of Roll Mix and yeast.
Add remaining mix as needed to make a soft dough.
Knead dough 5 minutes by hand until smooth.
(3 minutes in bread mixer, adding mix until dough no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl.)
Place smooth side down in lightly oiled bowl;
Turn dough smooth side up.
(This oils the top of the dough.)
Cover with a damp towel;
Let rise in warm place about 40 minutes, until doubled in size.
Punch dough down.
Divide into 16-24 rolls.
Form rolls and place in two greased 9-inch round pans
or one 9x13-inch pan.
Cover; let rise in a warm place until about doubled.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Bake 20-25 minutes until browned.
Makes 16-24 rolls.
Here's the PDF:
If you have never tried using a
bread or roll mix,
I'm thinkin' it might be time.
They are AWESOME!!!


  1. What a fun recipe. I'm excited to give this mix a try. What else do you make with the mix?

  2. Cinnamon Rolls and Scones are about as far as we gotten with this one. If my boys know that I'm making dough . . . that's what they ask for!
    I do have some other mixes that I will be sharing that have lots of other options.
    I'm going to be making a Basic Mix Recipe Book next. I'm way excited for that one!
