Monday, January 10, 2011

Testing . . . Testing . . . 1 - 2 - 3!

I'm afraid to even push the keys.
Have I ever mentioned that . . .
What a CrAzY couple of months!
I can't believe we made it through.
It's been quite an ADVENTURE.
(Adventure: Code word for test of my patience and sanity!)
If I was to learn patience, I sure have had
LOTS OF PRACTICE over the past eight years.
(Which may not say much about my sanity!)
I'm thinking it's safe to start posting again!
Keep your fingers crossed for me would ya?!?
I have added a few new sections
to the schedule this year
to share them with YOU!
I will be adding more Organizing Hints and Helps,
"How To" Videos
that will cover everything from Storing and Using Food Storage
to Organizing, Weekly Menu Planning Ideas, as well as Ideas for Relief Society Meetings,
Visiting Teaching Ideas, Emergency Surprise Attacks
and TONS more!
Thank YOU
for being so patient with me,
Thank YOU
so much for you concern and well wishes.
I will be posting:
This Year's Calendar Pages as well as the
NEW January Journal Pages.
The Calendar Pages come in both portrait and landscape.
The portrait calendar format will fit perfectly into your
Day Keeper!
The Journal Pages will also be available in two different forms:
One will have lines so that your little ones can write on them, and
the other will be a fill-in-the-blank computer page that can be typed and printed.
I made sure to keep the background white this time . . .
hopefully that will help to conserve ink!
Here's the Calendar PDF (Portrait Format):
(This PDF includes Jan. - Dec. 2011)
(The PDF is on the way!)
Here's the Calendar PDF (Landscape Format):
(This PDF includes Jan. - Dec. 2011)
Here's the Lined January Journal Page PDF:
Here's the Fill-In-The-Blank January Journal Page PDF:
Fill in the Blank January Journal Page
Oh . . . and this year you get the Journal Binder Cover
at the beginning of the year!!!!
A photo of your family or each individual child
can be added to the center of the cover!
One will say, "Here's What I Did in 2011"
and the other will say,
"Here's What WE Did in 2011"

Here's the Journal Binder Cover PDF:
Hope you have a GREAT DAY!
I have to load the PDF files a different way.
Valerie is helping me figure things out.
I'll add all of the files quick as a wink;)!


  1. As one of your faithful lurkers, I just wanted to say that you were missed and Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your hard work and generosity.

  2. WELCOME BACK!!!! We Missed you! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and everything you create!

  3. YAY, You're back!! Happy New Year !!
    AL from Calif.

  4. Yeah! I am glad you are back. I really missed checking in with you. I appreciate all you do for us. mary in Idaho

  5. I'm so glad your back on, I've missed your amazing posts. I hope your Holidays were great!!
    The Smith's - Indiana

  6. Welcome back! I have missed you. I keep checking every day to see if you have posted anything. And today, you did! Well, it was yesterday.
    You deserve your own, "Woot Woot" for all you do. Thank you.

  7. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO GLAD U R BACK!!!! I have been going through major withdrawls!!! I was checking your blog 4 to 6 times a day with the hopes that you would be there and YOU ARE HERE!!!! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us this year!! I am super excited!!!!

  8. SO happy to see you are back. I was beginning to wonder if we had seen the last of your brilliant posts:) Looking forward to your bright ideas in the coming months.

  9. I'm so happy to see you again! I have missed you. Thank you for all the journal pages at once, then I can have them ready to go and remember to do them! Thanks!

  10. I am so excited! I can hardly contain my excitement!!! You are back and the journal pages are SOOOOOO cute! I can't wait to print them out. I love that you made one blank so my little kiddos can just draw a picture! We are each going to "write" in our journal pages once a month for a sunday activity! Then at the end of the year we can copy some of the pages and give them to grandparents for Christmas!!

  11. WAHOO! Your blog site is one of my favorites and I was so excited to turn my computer on and see that you had posted. Welcome Back!

  12. Yeah!!!!! My life is complete again.......I love your blog and would check back every day.......Waiting so patiently for a fun new post.....WELCOME BACK ONLINE!!!!!!!

  13. HAAAALLEELUUULUUJAHH!!!!!! You are back!!! Having you gone has been a test of MY patience as well! I can't tell you how much you have been missed. :) Can't wait to see what you have in store!

  14. I think I nearly gave my husband a heart attack when I yelled out "She's Back!" I have become addicted to your great ideas! So glad to have you back, you definitely were missed.

  15. I am SOOO excited you are back I want to cry! Thanks for everything you do. I just LOVE your site and all the wonderful ideas. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  16. Just found your blog and I LOVE IT! how can I print these out? Thanks
    The Battricks from Indiana

  17. I love these! Will there be photo pages for each month this year also? I just found these, so I am going to try to go back through last year and put something together. Love, love, love them! Thank you!

  18. Your blog is just so awesome, and looks like it is read and enjoyed by many outside your ward and area! I want to give you a HUGE pat on the back for what you have offered in this wonderful blog of yours!! I just finished putting together my Day Keeper today. I am so excited by all your helps, ideas, and just wonderful things you share. So glad to see you back at it! I do have one putting my Day Keeper together, is there a way to get a blank copy of the 2010 Holiday List so I can update it yearly, or is this something you already have in the works?
