Saturday, January 30, 2010

Food Storage Meals & Menu Planning - Dessert: Apple Crisp!

Here's What's on the Dessert Menu for Today:
Apple Crisp!
You will need:
Brown Sugar
Bottled Apples
(Recipe Included)
Dried Apples are also a great alternative- just rehydrate before baking!
(I get mine from the LDS Dry Pack Cannery.)
Chopped Pecans
(Canned butter makes it shelf stable.)
1 Pkg. Oatmeal Cookie Mix
All of the above ingredients are completely shelf-stable!
Food Storage Menu Challenge:
Purchase a few packages of the Oatmeal Cookie Mix to keep on hand.
Apple Crisp Recipe:
Dessert Recipes are found on pages 42-43
Bottled Apples Recipe:

1 comment:

  1. Your Apple Crisp PDF link goes to a 44-page document of different kinds of bread recipes
