Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vital Records

This year we will be posting the forms and information you will need to put your Vital Records Binder together.  Each Sunday we will post a new form for you to print, fill in the blanks and add to your binder. By the end of 2010 your binder will be complete!  Your assignment this week is to find or purchase the items listed below.
You will need:
1- 2" to 3" Three Ring Binder
Page Protectors (Costco and Sam's are the best price.)
Printed Tabs and Cover Page are availble for $5.00 - You will find this on January's Order Form.

P.S.  Take a minute to fill out our Preparedness Poll . . . We won't know who you are,
we are just trying to find out what we need to work on! 


  1. I would love to have your cover and tabs for your vital records book. I was wondering how I can get them. I would be willing to buy them if you have extra, or if you are about to post them so that I can print them or send them to Costco or something, I would really appreciate it! Thank you for all your hard work. I have enjoyed browsing your blog!
    My email is Thanks again!

  2. Hi - I just found your blog WHICH I LOVE. Is it possible to buy or print the whole Vital Records binder project (tabs, cover, forms, etc)? I live out of state. Thanks!

  3. I have the same question as above... and also, does the Alphagraphics in Lehi also participate in printing your stuff. By the way, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!

  4. All of the files are formatted as PDF's. You can save whatever it is that you want printed to a file on your computer and email it to your local printer. They should be able to print a PDF with no problem.
    The Vital Records Dividers and Tabs PDF can be found at the bottom of the list of categories.
    Hopefully that helps.
    My email address is:
    Let me know if that doesn't work and I'll see what else I can do to help.
