Friday, September 3, 2010

Family Activity - "Back to School" Blessings for DAD!

This is a picture of my mom and dad.
(I think they are so stinkin' cute!)
Just to let you know a little history on the photo . . .
My mom and dad are wearing their "Survivor Bandanas."
(Part of our family retreat activities.)
We had just hiked to the top of the hill for a family fireside
and photos.  They don't usually wear bandanas.
(My dad just wanted me to add that info.
so that you wouldn't question his sanity!)
They work very hard to
keep our family close to the SAVIOR,
as well as helping us to keep an
Each year our children have the opportunity to get a
back to school father's blessing.
As a wife and mother, I always make sure I get one too!
My dad used to do this for each of us when we lived at home,
but after we were married the responsibility
shifted to our husbands. 
This was a tradition my dad thoroughly enjoyed!
Last year we as mom's were talking about how much we
appreciated being able to receive our blessings.
Everyone in the family was able to receive a blessing . . .
except for the Dad's!
That all changed last year!
This Sunday we will meet together as a whole family for
Couples Council with my parents.
This is when my mom and dad talk to each couple
throughout the night to see how we are doing,
and if there is anything we are in need of. 
My dad gives each of the father's a blessing
at this time as well! 
Talk about an awesome opportunity!
Even though the blessing part of this tradition
only started 1 year ago . . . it's a tradition that will go on for
generations to come!!!
My dad truly enjoys being able
to bless his family.
We are grateful
for his amazing example!

1 comment:

  1. I love love love this idea! If only we weren't out of grandpas :) Maybe I could bribe one of my cute neighbors to fill in ;)
