Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Preparedness Project - Toddler Charts!

Now that the older kids
are in school and
It's time for Toddler Bootcamp!
The word "Bootcamp" is mostly for the mom's
because raising a toddler takes a lot of work!
If you have a toddler you know they are BUSY little people
and very curious, to say the least.
"Terrible Two's" is phrase you hear often when
you have a todder, and the "Three's" are often filled with
the same adventures.
They want to know how everything works,
what it feels like,
and how to do new things.
This curiousity and desire to learn is what
gets them into a little trouble sometimes, but it can also be
the best teaching tool we have as moms.
I LOVE to be around toddlers. They actually want to be
wherever you are . . . doing whatever you are doing.
They love to work
and they still think they're parents are
To them JOBS are like a game or a new adventure
they get to try something new, and once they have
learned a new skill . . . it's fun to see
their self-esteem blossom!
This chore system is perfect for training.
They can see the pictures and they can even pretend to read them.
Each chore picture says, "I CAN . . . "
and then it will show the picture as well as the word for the action
followed by the words "CAN YOU?"
They get so excited when they can answer, "YES!"
Have your toddler pick some of the jobs he or she would like to do.
I use anywhere from 5-10 cards at a time
depending on the child's age.
(I think they're are about 40 different chore options!)
The great thing is that they fit into the child's hands and can be
carried with them from job to job.
When my boys where younger,
I would point to the words,
"I Can"
and have my boys "read" them out loud.
They began to recognize the words
even if they couldn't actually read at the time.
Then they would see the picture and say what it was.
They loved pretending to read the big words at the bottom!
That was back in the old days . . . now days,
they're expected to read at birth!
Holy Cow . . . No Pressure!!!
To Make the Toddler Charts
You Will Need:
To print the PDF.
Cut into individual cards.
Laminate the cards.
Punch a hole in the top of the cards.
You will also need to purchase a "C-Ring"
to keep the pictures together.
That's it . . . the rest of the work has been done for you!
Here's the PDF for the Boy Set:
Here's the PDF for the Girl Set:
Remember to work along side your toddlers.
They will love the extra attention!
It's the perfect time to
I created this artwork "JUST FOR YOU!"
For personal use in YOUR OWN HOME ONLY and NOT
for RESALE.  If you would like to share,
PLEASE refer them to THIS blog!
Thanks My Peeps!
(You're the BEST!)


  1. I couldn't get the links to work.
    P.S. I LOVE this blog - I can't get enough of it! Thank you for your hard work!

  2. Is it just me or are there no pdf's for this? Would love to get my 2 year old started early. We already have chores going but this would be great for him!

  3. Um, these are perfect! Thank you so much!! :D

  4. Thanks for fixing the links! I love these and will be referring people to them! I think my sunbeams will love them! will enclose a letter on sunday about them!

  5. Beautiful work!! You are amazing!! And so giving! Thank you so very much!

  6. I have been loving your blog for quite some time now. You must be one of the most amazing people that I wish I knew. Thank you for all of the hard work you put in to everything you do. I does not go unappreciated.

  7. I am not in your ward (or in UT), but I was hoping I could somehow have access to some of your amazing pdfs. I would particularly loves this one since it would be perfect for my near 3 year old.

    Thanks, Celia

    silygirl269 at yahoo

  8. Celia,
    You are welcome to use any of the PDF files on this blog! I always type the PDF in a different color so that it is easy to find in the post.
    Hope that helps!

  9. It says I can't access them because I'm not part of the google group. Some of the recipes are available for me to click on, but none of the vital binders or this go to the pdf.

  10. I'm printing this! Thanks for sharing. It's just me and my toddler at home while his 3 older brothers are at school :)

  11. These are wonderful! I'm sharing them on my blog, linking back to you!

  12. I finally got them lamenated and used an old key ring for the ring. My son LOVES them although he thinks they are to read and play with but we are working on them! Took me long enough to get them done! But they look so good! Thanks for the link!

  13. I wish I could get the link to the boys chart to work! Can you help me?

  14. I Love this idea!!! so sad I can not get it to work :( HELP!!!

  15. Google Group no longer stores the files from any of the posts in 2010BUT NO WORRIES!
    You can still access ALL of the files by going to the 2010 Folders in the top right hand side of the blog. You can do a search in each of the folders to find what you are looking for.
    Here are the links to the Toddler Charts:
    Hope that helps!

  16. Thank you SO much for posting the new link in the comments! I have spent hours and hours trying to find good picture printables for a chore/responsibilty chart for my two preschool boys! I appreciate this so much, and I was so disappointed when I couldn't get the link in the original post to work. These are wonderful, and I know you posted them years ago, but I am still so thrilled to have found them!
