Friday, October 8, 2010

Preserve It . . . Canning Corner - Grape Juice!

Today's Canning Recipe is for:
Grape Juice!
Grape Juice is one of the easiest things to can.
The only challenge for some is that you will need a juicer!
The juice is amazing on it's own, but also makes the
BEST GRAPE JELLY . . . hands down!
Here's the "How To":
25 lbs. of Grapes will fill about 7 Quart Bottles.
It takes about 3 1/2 lbs. of grapes to make 1 quart of juice.
Rinse the grapes.
The grapes can be put into the juicer . . . stem and all.
Fill the bottom of the juicer with water.
Bring the water to a boil.
Fill the colander part of the juicer with grapes and put the lid on.
You will see the juice start to
come down the tube when it's ready.
BE CAREFUL . . . The juice is very hot.
Keep your clean ready to go jars in the oven at 200 degrees.
Bring your lids to a simmer.
I use the rubber oven mitts to hold the bottles while
they are being filled.
Fill to about 1/4-inch head space.
Wipe the top of the jar.
Add hot lids and tighten the lids with the jar rings.
Process juice for 15 minutes in a water bath canner.
Make sure all the lids have sealed before storing.
That's It!
. . . Enjoy . . .


  1. You must have known I have been staring at my grapes and steamer for days now. Not knowing what to do with them!!! Thank you so much. After reading the instructions on the steamer it didn't sound to hard. But it didn's say anything about processing them. It just said you were good to go. I wasn't sure about that! I will get going on my juice, I don't think we will have too much but a little is better than none, right? Especially when its my first time!
    Thank you for taking your time to put this blog together. I love looking at it. Everything about it! You have inspired me to be more organized, try better at food storage and to try new recipes. Thanks again.
    -Where can I get powdered eggs?

  2. Melissa,
    Yay . . . I'm so excited for you!
    The juice just needs to be processed in a water bath canner for 15 minutes. I get my powdered eggs at Walmart or Macey's. They might still be on sale!
    Thank YOU for the sweet comment . . .
    Good Luck!
