Friday, December 3, 2010

Trish is still here, but her internet still isn't!

Tricia is STILL without internet, be patient and just keep praying that something will work out really soon for her and all of you who have been suffering without her daily posts lately.

Enjoy your weekend,


  1. I miss you Trish. Hope things get worked out soon.

  2. Good luck Trish. I hope and pray you get things working again soon! I hope you're having a fun and happy holiday season so far!!

  3. Love your blog-please come back soon

  4. Oh, I was wondering! :) Glad to know everything okay with her...thanks for letting us in on the happenings! Fingers crossed she's up and running again soon! <3

  5. Hurry back soon! I need my fix! I miss your posts!

  6. What am I going to do for Christmas? The only positive side is I haven't run out of colored ink from printing off all the adorable posts :( hope you are back soon..

  7. I can't believe how much I have missed your posts! I think I need some chocolate! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and things will work out with your computer (not fun!)!

  8. I'm sooooooo missing your posts and fun ideas. I'm asking Santa to PLEASE fix your internet soon!!!!!

  9. Missing you! Hope it starts working soon! Merry Christmas to you!

  10. I feel like an addict who can't feed their addiction with you gone!! Please come back soon :) I need my fix!

  11. I am hoping your internet gets fixed soon too!
    I just logged on to see what cute things you had posted for Christmas--looks like my ink might just last me to the new year!
    Seeing all these "miss you" posts reminds me of a cute little saying, "if you don't think anyone notices you, try missing a couple of payments". You are missed for sure, hurry back soon!!!

  12. I hope you are getting things fixed and that your Christmas preparation is done. I miss you so much and usually check a couple of times a day to see if you're back. I don't have my December journal page and all your cute ideas. I hope you'll put everything on that you would have if your internet hadn't messed you up. You're the greatest!!! Happy Holidays!!!
