Car Bucks are a great way to encourage good
behavior in the car.
The Car Bucks can be traded in for Souvenir Money
or a Special Treat along the way!

Here's the PDF:
Car Bucks Packet PDF
More Travel Bag Items on the Way!
By the Way . . .
The 4x6 Game Boards PDF
has been added to the Travel Bag Post!
You can . . .
Print the Tic Tac Toe Board and Toe-kens
onto Magnetic Paper.
All of the Game Boards can be printed onto magnetic paper
if you don't want to use a dry erase marker.
(Just use the Tic Tac Toe-kens for all of the game boards.)
Print the Travel Tokens onto Crack n' Peel and attach
them to 1 1/2-inch wooden discs.
(Or you can just laminate them and that works too!)
Do the magnets work through the plastic sheet if you put these games in a photo book? BTW, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!!! Thanks for sharing all of your AMAZING ideas!
They do! The pages of the photo album are pretty thin, so they stick without a problem.
Thanks for the sweet comment!
I heart you... just thought you should know! lol! Your great ideas keep me in check and on the ball. This might very well help me keep my sanity on road trips! Big thank you for all you do!
Tricia, I love these car bucks and use them with my kids. I've just been called as the YW President and was wondering if you could make something similar for me to use with the girls. We have to drive about an hour each way to get to the temple to do baptisms. All of my 4 of my girls have just been baptised within the last 4 months and I really want to get them hooked on the YW program. I think something like this for temple trips would be great. I could have little things for them to spend the bucks on that are church realted. I was thinking maybe they could be called Value Vouchers and be done up in the YW value colors. I'm guessing you have a template already made up, and it might be faster if I had you do it, rather than try to design them from scratch myself. I know I'm asking alot, and if you can't do it I understand. Either way please let me know. Thanks!
Tricia, I just realized I gave ou no contact information so you could answer my query. Sorry about that. If you need to get hold of me just e-mail me at cookieljj@hotmail.com
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