Today's Preparedness Project is
Fast, Easy, and A Favorite for the Kids . . .
as well as the Parents!
all the difference when you travel.
No more threats of pulling over,
or complaints of someone touching someone else.
Can you imagine the travel part of your trip actually being
one of the highlights?!?
Disposable Camera
Colored Pencils
Glow Bands
(I use Starbursts because it takes little fingers longer to open them.)
Beef Jerky
Fruit Leather or Fruit Snacks
Small Mile Marker Gifts
I printed these on crack n' peel and attached them
to wooden discs that are 1 1/2-inches.
to wooden discs that are 1 1/2-inches.
The Car Bucks and the Travel Tokens are given for good
behavior in the car. The Car Bucks are worth more that the Travel Tokens.
The Car Bucks can be traded in for souvenirs, and the
Travel Tokens can be traded for the smaller wrapped gifts along the way.
(I just purchased some fun things from the Dollar Store.)
Sanitizing Wipes
Hand Sanitizer
Band Aids
Band Aids
Motion Sickness Bag
I included a Gallon Sized Ziploc bag. . . just in case someone
needed to throw up,
but hopefully the link below will make it
so you don't have to use the bag at all.
Here's a Link for some great motion sickness helps!
The ginger candies, queasy pops, motion sickness wristbands
and the inhaler are all AWESOME!
Motion Sickness Solutions!
I also added:
I included a Gallon Sized Ziploc bag. . . just in case someone
needed to throw up,
but hopefully the link below will make it
so you don't have to use the bag at all.
Here's a Link for some great motion sickness helps!
The ginger candies, queasy pops, motion sickness wristbands
and the inhaler are all AWESOME!
Motion Sickness Solutions!
I also added:
Card Games
Travel Games
License Plate Search
(Coming Soon!)
Tic Tac Toe
Here's the PDF:
Tic Tac Toe
Here's the PDF:
Tic Tac Toe Signs PDF 8x10
Tic Tac Toe Signs PDF 4x6
Print this one on magnetic paper.

Mark the one's you find with a dry-marker.
Tic Tac Toe Signs PDF 4x6
Print this one on magnetic paper.
Tic Tac Toe-kens
Print this one on magnetic paper.
Here's the PDF:

I Spy . . .
Here's the PDF:
Mark the one's you find with a dry-erase marker!
Slug Bug
Here's the PDF:
Slug Bug PDFMark the one's you find with a dry-marker.

Alphabet Search
Here's the PDF:
Alphabet Search PDF
Mark the one's you find with a dry-erase marker.

Here's the PDF for all the boards in the 4x6 size:
and a
Mini Photo Album with Destination Facts and Photos.
Just for FuN . . .
Some of the items in my bag have been wrapped
Some of the items in my bag have been wrapped
and are going to be used as mile marker rewards.
I found a couple of different options for you to use for
your kids travel bag.
(11x8.5" Canvas Totes 4 Pack for $6.99)
I got mine at Hobby Lobby and Michael's
They come in all of my KiDs Colors . . . Love That!
I found every color but orange.
I found every color but orange.
They hold the same amount, but craft organizer does have
some FuN PoCkEts!
This is how they all turned out . . .
Soooo FuN!
I'm going to be putting together a
Sunday Bag using the Canvas Bags.
It will be in next Wednesday's Post!
I'm sorry it took so long to post.
I went on a qwest to make sure I could still find the items listed,
as well as the prices and where you could find them.
I started using these when my boys were little,
so it's been a while but . . .
I started using these when my boys were little,
so it's been a while but . . .
You should be good to go!
Travel Bag Tags
Here's the PDF:
Travel Tag PDF:
Print PDF, Cut tags out, punch a hole in the top, laminate,
and tie with a ribbon!
I used a clear badge holder from Walmart for my
Travel Bag Tags.
You can see it in the picture above . . . it doesn't have the
tag yet, but it's ready for one!

Travel Bag Tags
Here's the PDF:
Travel Tag PDF:
Print PDF, Cut tags out, punch a hole in the top, laminate,
and tie with a ribbon!
I used a clear badge holder from Walmart for my
Travel Bag Tags.
You can see it in the picture above . . . it doesn't have the
tag yet, but it's ready for one!

The License Plates can be Personalized!
I've included 3 pages of color options for YOU in the PDF.
I will be doing a post to show you how the
"Oh, The Places I'll Go" . . .
Travel Activity Book goes together
later this week.
(That's what I used the mini photo album for, and it holds all
the travel games.)
I'm checking on the Sock Clips . . .
I'm going to see if I can do a bulk order with Walmart.
I'll let you know what I find out.
So fun! Can't wait to use these on our next trip!
SO STINKIN' CUTE!!! I read "Travel Bag" at the top and I thought, okay this is one of her more practical posts--then I scroll down and am amazed by all the games!! Only you!! I'm actually excited to go on a road trip with my 6 kids, now! :)
Very very cute! Thanks so much! Again & Again!
I don't think all the pics and the pdf are working! Thanks I am excited to put mine together!
I am not seeing the PDF file for this post. Please let me know where to look!
Oh, THANK YOU! We are just getting ready to drive from Arizona to Oregon (and back!) with 3 little kids! This will be a lifesaver! Thank you so very much!
sooooooooo cute! I am going to walmart right now! can't wait to see the licence plate game and the car bucks! I am not seeing the pdf for the i spy game! thanks kimber
Thank you so much!! This came just in time for me to prepare for our family car trip:)
Thank you so much!! What a great idea. I'm going to use this for my 1 year old twins, although I'll have to put some different things in them. I've sent my sister to your site also. We are going to use these for our trip to Nauvoo in a couple of weeks! Thanks again for all you do.
What are the "car bucks" and the "travel tokens" for?
Do you mind to share with me what is in the motion sickness bag? Has gotten car sick twice on our last long trip. Thanks for all the wonderful post.
When I saw this today I loved it. We are traveling from Salt Lake to Portland next week in one day both ways. But, as I was thinking about this I wondered how I could get the tokens to stay on the game board and be able to use them over and over. So I printed mine on magnetic sheets and then made some of those clear glass rocks with scrapbook paper and a magnet. They turned out super cute! Thanks for all the awesome ideas!
We just got back from a vacation and could have used these cute bags. I'll have to save the idea for next time. They are totally cute!
Are the games you posted going to go in the "Oh, the Places I'll Go" travel activity book? Do they go in a 4X6 photo album or bigger? Some of the game PDFs are only full-size. Also, how do we get the game pieces to stay on the game board? I don't live anywhere near a "real" of any kind so my mom is hopefully going to try and find me some of the cute craft totes at Walmart. I love your projects!!
What kind of "markers" do you use for the "I spy", "Slug Bug", alphabet, and licence plate games??
I just bought a package of multi-colored
dry-erase markers from Walmart.
You can print all of the game cards onto magnetic paper and use the Tic Tac Toe-kens if you want. This is an especially nice option if you have little one's that might choose to draw on themselves instead of the game cards!
Hope that help!
I included a great link for Motion Sickness Solutions. The suckers, ginger candy, and wristbands work very well.
Hi Tricia,
Love this so much. Was wondering if you have a cover page for the album that the games go in and if there are more games? I was just wondering how many page album I should get. Thank you once again for an awe inspiring project.
It does have a cover and 2 more games. I just used one of the $1.00 photo albums from Walmart. The games will go in the front, and then you can use the extra pages to put pictures and information for the places you will be visiting on your trip(s). It's a great way to give them something to look forward to!
I've almost finished the license plate game, as soon as I've finished I will post everything else.
Hope that helps!
I have a question where do u get the wooden disks for the travel tokens? I can't find them where i have looked. I can't wait till the cover and games r done so my bag is done! i am sitting on pins and needles waiting for the sunday bag! also so u know alphagraphics doesn't have magnetic paper and they won't print on it if u bring it in. Thanks again for your awesome blog and help!
I get my wooden discs from Robert's and Michael's. They come in a package of 22.
Hope that helps!
The last two games and the cover are almost done. I'll try to have them posted by Saturday!
Good to know on the magnetic paper.
If you don't have a color printer . . . watch the D.I. they always have them for sale. Most of the time they work perfectly, people just send them in when they're ready for an upgrade!
This is so fabulous! Perfect for my kids-I think the car bucks will really motivate them! Can't wait for the rest of it! Now, where should I go on a roadtrip? The Sunday activity books will be fabulous too!
FYI My Costco just had (in the school supply section) a Purple Cows laminator machine for just under $20. My kids asked what it was and my husband responded "Something only your mother could love!" And everyone else making Trish's things! So convenient to do it all right at home!
The Purple Cow laminator machine sounds awesome. I love my laminator! I truly love all things paper!
Thanks for Sharing!!!
Thank you, thank you!! We're heading on a trip this weekend with 4 year old twin boys and need something to keep them occupied! These game boards will be awesome:)
I realize this is an old post but I'm wondering if you could fix the broken links? I found you via pinterest and would love to print your pdfs but only the car bucks will open for me. Please help if you can :) Thanks!
Yes please to what Nikki said! Thank you!
Google group no longer stores the pdf files, but you can still access ALL of the files on the blog. Just go to the 2010 Folders at the top right side of the blog. You can do a search in each of the folders to find what you're looking for. Folders 1-3 are for the first to middle part of the year and folders 3-5 are for the middle to last part of the year. I've been working on tons of Christmas things and all of next year's posts (it's going to be a way fun year!) so I haven't had time to repost all of the links. If you want to send me your email, I'll forward the files along.
Hope that helps!
This is amazing!!! I have tried so many things for car trips. This will be a great new idea for the kids. Thanks for sharing all the links too!!!
i love your ideas and i know this is an old post, but the links for the pdfs don't work. is there any way to fix them because i'd rather not have to re-invent the wheel if i don't have to.:) i love your ideas!
Thank you for sharing!
We will be taking a 4500 miles road trip and these are going to be great!
We made the trip once before and I did candy a day and new movie each state along with lots of other things. The kids loved it!
This is AWESOME! Thank you!
These are awesome bags and I was wondering if you still have a way to print out your games? Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you for sharing these cute printables! Using on our 12 hour road trip
We are getting ready to travel across country and I LOVE all of your brightly colored games! I can't believe how many things you have posted. I have a blog and know the time it takes to do this. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations. I think I will spend several hours or days going through your blog!
Thank you for this post! I just found it and am about to spend 11 hours in the car with my 2 & 4 year olds by myself. The car bucks and coins are going to save me! And the activity sheets will keep my 4 year old busy for hours! You rock!
Thank you for this post! I just found it and am about to spend 11 hours in the car with my 2 & 4 year olds by myself. The car bucks and coins are going to save me! And the activity sheets will keep my 4 year old busy for hours! You rock!
What a great idea! Love it! This would be a great birthday gift!!! Thanks~Vickie
I just love the idea of the kids having a travel bag!! Great tips, thank you!! I will make smaller ones for our short trip tomorrow, and I have also printed out the car bucks! :) Thank you so much!!
I love your ideas, thanks for sharing them! I used your idea about the tote bags for our summer vacation, I blogged about it and added a link to this blog entry. Thanks again, your idea really helped on our travels!
Thank you!!
I just can't believe how generous you are! Thank you for sharing your talents with everyone! Too bad we aren't all in your neighborhood! You do beautiful work!
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't print the pdf's. I click the link and it takes me to a new screen where I click Download. It says "download is starting" but then nothing happens after that. Help! We have a roadtrip coming up and these games are so cute!
If you want to send me your email address, I'll send you the PDF files directly.
Oh ! What a good mummy !
With my 4 little kids, it will be very exciting !
Please, dont take care to my english i write from France
But : BRAVO !
Thank you for your amazing printables! My kids LOVED your Don't Eat... Reindeer game. We are headed on a road trip tomorrow, so I just printed out all of your fun travel games. I'm sure I will be hearing "I'm bored" a lot less now. Thanks again!
I just wanted to thank you for all of your fun printables. My kids loved your Don't Eat... Reindeer game. We are looking forward to putting your travel games to use this weekend. Thanks again!
You are amazing. I love it and I am in awe at how much there is! Thank you for sharing your talent and your ideas!
Thanks so much for sharing your games! We're driving 18 hrs to Colorado next week with our five year old who has never been on a car trip longer than 3 hrs. I think she's going to really enjoy these - and I'm happy she won't be glued to an iPad or DVD player the whole time!
Finding this just made my day!!! Taking my 6 and 8 year old on a 6 hour road trip next weekend....the game boards are PERFECT for them!! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing all these files, they are really appreciated. Kindest regards
Thanks for sharing the PDF. I used the car bucks idea on our last trip and it was a huge success! So of course I'm telling all of my friends and blogging about it!
Have a happy Fourth!
Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous ideas. They will keep my 4 year old happy on our trip up the Queensland coast (Australia) at Christmas this year. Brilliant! :)
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