Sooooo . . . I think one of my tests for 2010 was to learn PATIENCE!
I have been blessed with opportunity after opportunity to practice this lovely quality . . . in the computer area alone! First it started with the two small power surges that blew my DSL line, followed by an exciting 30 minutes of Internet that was slower than dial up . . . in that brief 30 minutes I managed to download the WHITE SMOKE virus and finished my poor little computer right off . . . FOREVER! I couldn't believe it! I bet you know what is at the top of my Christmas List this year . . . A COMPUTER . . . which just happens to be sitting under my tree as we speak! I tried to ever so gently replace the old computer with the new one, but even with my EXPERT SNEAKING SKILLS. . . . I WAS CAUGHT IN THE ACT! My sweet husband watched with a Grinch-like smile as I carefully rewrapped the gift. I was so close, but I guess I'll have to be patient for 4 more days! In the meantime, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! With any LUCK we should be up and running again very soon!