We had listed on the Calendar that today's project
would be a "Bug Out Bag."
We have moved this to a different area of preparedness.
Watch for the "Bug Out Bag" in the
beginning of March!
Today's Project:
Another Game for your Family Emergency Activity Bag!
We will be making a new game each week.
Here are some of the games we will be making:
Popsicle Stick . . . Go Fish
Mini Animal Memory Game
Find It . . . Bean Bag
On the Farm Animals
Silly Sea Creatures
At the Zoo
Don't Eat Frank!
Tic Tac Toe
Dot Game
M&M Match
Fruit & Veggie Candy Match
Travel Games - Match the Bug
License Plate Match
"On the Road" Signs
I Spy . . .
Temples Memory Match
Family Memory Match
Family Yatzee
Family Puzzle Blocks
Family Testimony Books
Our Family Book of Standards
"Tell Me a Story" Cards
Articles of Faith Match Game
Button . . . Button
St"INK" Bugs
Build a Bug
Build a Monster
Decision Dice
and MORE!
Today's Game:
Popsicle Stick . . . Go Fish!

You will need:
A printed copy of the game pieces;
Laminated and cut into squares.
48 Wooden Popsicle Sticks
Double Sided Tape
A Canvas Bag
(I found mine at Hobby Lobby, but you can find them at
any craft or hobby store and they're super cheap.)
Laminated Game Instructions
(Check back in a second . . . my camera battery is dead
so I can't put the pictures on yet.)
Having the pieces on sticks makes it a lot easier for
little hands to hold!
I also made a set on tiles.
Here's the PDF File for the smaller set:
I am not part of your ward but I have really enjoyed following this website. You have some great ideas that I have done. Would you please send me a copy of the games pieces. I couldn't see the link on here. Thanks! adidenhover@gmail.com
I'm so glad you reminded me to put the "Go Fish" pieces on the blog. . .yesterday got a little CrAzY and I totally forgot. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the heads-up!
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